Post by Deleted on May 12, 2020 22:41:51 GMT
I never thought we'd reach such a milestone, but a second edition of PW News? I'd like to take this time to say thank you to those in the Notification Squad that liked the original thread. Will this be daily? Weekly? Never again? So long as there is something to report we here at the news station will make sure you are informed of all the facts and ongoing happening of PW Forums. You will never miss a single event so long as you continue to tune in. What better way to stay in the loop than to subscribe? It's free and costs you nothing!
Our top story is pretty obvious, the Coronapocalype Draft is still a thing. Round 2 is underway with some pretty heavy overlap with the VG Board's own draft. Be sure to hit that back button (after posting in this thread first!) and vote and participate in the discussion if you haven't already. Are you Team Yellow or Blue? If the idea behind the draft is too positive and uplifting for you, you could always check out c's latest posts in either Politics or Corona-Chan threads. Whatever mood you were in will surely be in the toilet after reading whatever he has to add. Take a drink if he mentions Autistic Traders.
In Countdown news we are seeing the conclusion of the Fictional Athletes Countdown in the Sports Empire, oddly enough not a single wrestler has appeared in a unique twist of fate. Most are predicting a Rocky final, but they're close since the winner is going to be the Brahama Bull himself. Kat Dennings and her anime tiddies make an appearance in the YA Adaptations Countdown. Hard to believe it has reached 91 of 100 countdowns so far. We are getting closer to the end my friends. The final event could go down as one of the greatest collaborations in PW History. A little less bickering today as the next batch of wrestlers in the Favorite Wrestler Countdown debuted a pair of aces from Vince's competition in Sabu (ECW) and The Man They Call Sting (WCW). Just because the Baker man chose a Passport level picture of Sting does not mean you shouldn't tell us how you feel about his placement.
It was revealed earlier today that 🤯 had too much on his plate and may not join in with the NWA Powerrr Party, but looks like he's trying to make a sacrifice. Just between us I think if Brock was involved in any way shape or form (including Marty merely wearing a Brock shirt from 2002) he wouldn't be pussyfooting around. Remains to be seen if he makes an appearance.
Post of the day goes to Big Pete for reposting this zinger. Though the lack of likes featured shows it is mostly going under the radar.
And our final story unfortunately leaves this episode on a bit of a downer. It was reported that System has evicted Rodney off the island in Animal Crossings. News has been circulating the rounds lately that only certain residents are welcome and seems our Aussie poster agrees with his catchphrase: “Everything is temporary.” - Don't know how true that is friend, you just don't. Good luck in your future endeavors Rodney.
Thank you for tuning in to second edition of PW News. Have a story you want featured? You know what to do. Until next time!